The ROSEN bilingual grade school welcomes all children, regardless of origin. This means that not only children of the ROSEN Group employees can be registered, but all children.
If you are interested, please contact us by mail to . Afterwards, you will receive an application form for your child. For those who have submitted an application form, we offer an information session each spring regarding enrollment in the following calendar year. Here you have the opportunity to visit the premises and ask individual questions.
Am Seitenkanal 8
49811 Lingen (Ems), Germany
Phone +49-591-9136-7700
The admittance rhythm generally runs parallel to the school years at all Lower Saxony schools. Admittance in individual cases is also possible during the school year. For this purpose, please contact us.
All legal guardians receive an access card for the school building. Access authorization for ROSEN employees is automatically extended on the employee pass.